New: Classes, Coaches, Apparel and a baby goat visits K Fit!
Coach Kayla

Coach Kayla

Tammy in LOVE!

Tammy in LOVE!

Happy Springtime! Coach Mary here, spending a relaxing week at the coast for spring break with my family. There are so few high school spring breaks left for my kids so I’m definitely savoring these moments!

I’m excited to introduce you to our two new coaches at K Fit.

Kayla Sevier is teaching the new Blast class Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6:15 to 7 pm. Now that the light has returned, we’ve got extra evening workout time and I have gotten excellent feedback about Kayla’s class. Please give it a try!

We are also happy to introduce Melissa Rumsey. She will be coaching the foundation one to two days a week.

Our charity of the month is Friends of Mt Tabor and there is a donation jar at the gym along with something I wrote about what Mt. Tabor means to me. The Friends of Mt. Tabor are volunteers that help to improve and maintain our beautiful volcano. Add a little note about why you love the volcano to the jar and we’ll pass this along to them.

Lianne Burns is coaching The Blast on Wednesdays from 6:15 o 7:00 am. More announcements about new classes and updates to the schedule are coming soon!

Keep an eye out for a brand new apparel order with fresh, new items and colors. The fall order was cancelled and no charges were made to any accounts.

And in the most exciting news of the week, JUNIPER THE BABY GOAT VISITED K FIT!!! Thanks to Tam Driscoll for the awesome photo of Tammy and Juniper. And thanks to Lisa Ellis for bringing in this sweet buddy to visit.

Fun fact: goats don’t shed, so Tammy was especially in love with Juniper. The new ladies that showed up on goat night will obviously be back. . .

If we’re lucky, he’ll be back Wednesday the 5th for another visit to the 5pm class. If you’re coming, don’t forget to sign up on MindBody.

Coach Melissa

Coach Melissa

Sweet Baby Juniper drinking cold milk because Lisa is so mean!

Sweet Baby Juniper drinking cold milk because Lisa is so mean!

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